About Me

- fitness freaks personal training
- Surrey, Delta and White Rock, British Columbia, Canada
- Put simply, I'm a “freak” about fitness! Besides being a BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness instructor, as well as a CANFIT Pro certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, I genuinely live to work out! I own Fitness Freaks personal training and group fitness in beautiful British Columbia. I want to use this blog to share opionins, articles, research, answer questions, encourage debate and muse over the lifelong journey of fitness and well being! Feel free to send me your ideas for articles and information you'd like me to share :)
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Guest blogging!
Here's what else I've been working on!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Choose your word wisely
Yes, its that day of the year. The one where we set all our best intentions for the upcoming 365 days to achieve all our hopes and dreams! Yes, I've been a naysayer of new years' resolutions in the past (you may recall my "New Years Revolution" blog last year).
This year I want you to think a little differently. In the world of life and lifetstyle coaching, a LOT of emphasis is given to our language and how we speak to the world, about the world and about ourselves. Positive self talk and creating the environment in which you exist through your language has a profound and proven impact on how we see ourselves on a daily basis and how we actually experience life. Two people in the exact same circumstances can have vastly different perspectives based solely on the language they CHOOSE to use to describe those circumstances and their place within it.
Okay, so how does this impact New Years Day? There is a movement towards choosing a "word" or "words" to guide you through the upcoming year, rather than a laundry list of 'to do' items which you will likely achieve one or two (and sadly, most won't even get that far). Why not focus on seeing your world through different eyes and different words this year?
Here's a little help to get you started.
Tips for Choosing Your Word
Want to set an intention for 2012 by choosing a word? Follow these steps to hone in on the right word:
1. Visualize 2012. What are three images that pop into your head?
2. What are five words that you hope will describe your 2012?
3. Consider your images and words. Meditate on what really touches you and that you most want out of 2012.
4. Focus in on your word. Capture it in a journal or your mind so that you have made a conscious commitment to the intention and then let it go and see where it guides you.
Want to set an intention for 2012 by choosing a word? Follow these steps to hone in on the right word:
1. Visualize 2012. What are three images that pop into your head?
2. What are five words that you hope will describe your 2012?
3. Consider your images and words. Meditate on what really touches you and that you most want out of 2012.
4. Focus in on your word. Capture it in a journal or your mind so that you have made a conscious commitment to the intention and then let it go and see where it guides you.
5. Commit to your word. Post is around you; get used to using it; call on it in the situations where it would most apply to helping you make the changes you want to see in your life
I personally have not taken the "word" approach in the past. I am excited to embark on this new vision for 2012. While I won't be sharing my personal word with anyone except my husband, I am already finding myself using it to guide my actions, decisions and responses...and it's only 6pm on January 1!
So, grab a journal and a dictionary and Happy Hunting for that word!
Many blessings for 2012
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Spreading the Love!
I'm doing a little Guest Blogging via a NEW local clothing and lifestyle company Silver Icing...Check it out!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Get Ready for Weight Gain Season!
Whether you are ready for it or not, there's no denying the season is here. Retailers are already starting to inundate consumers with holiday advertising. And, that means another less desirable season is upon us- extra pounds season -- the time of year when a vast number of people pack on weight and inches.
Don't be one of the statistics this year. Prepare now for the season of indulgence and avoid it sneaking up on you. Right now is the time to put a game plan in place. If you wait until the season is in full swing, it will be increasingly more challenging to make good choices. Being proact ive is always more successful then reacting.
So take time today to create your game plan. It isn't complicated nor is it time-consuming. Take 15 to 30 minutes today to develop your outline. You can break it into three critical parts: what you eat, how you move and chaos reduction.
What you eat.
Just because you choose to be a mindful eater during the holidays doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. While the old saying "everything in moderation" may sound like a broken record, it is absolutely accurate.
• When faced with a buffet, three points can help keep you on track. Choose a small plate which will automatically limit your quantity. Mentally divide your plate into four equal parts: one part should be filled with veggies, another with lean protein (like skinless turkey), a third part with fruits, and the final part with an indulgence (a cookie or brownie, etc). And, don't allow yourself more than one trip through the buffet line.
• The temperatures are chilly, the seasonal music is playing in the background - the perfect setting for a cozy, hot drink. But beware of these comfort drinks. Many coffee drinks are overflowing with empty calories. Even if you choose only a small sized sweet concoction, you most likely will drink the equivalent amount of calories as is found in an entire healthy meal. Alternatively, try a coffee with almond milk, stevia sweetener and a dash of cinnamon.
• Spend 30 minutes one weekend cutting up vegetables for quick on-hand snacks. Choose your favorites from carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, snap peas, etc. Have them washed, cut and placed in airtight containers. Keep some at home in the fridge and bring some to work with you. When the munchies come on, grab a container first before diving for the holiday cookies and snacks.
• Start a new tradition: Healthy holiday recipe exchange. Instead of the traditional cookie exchange or sweet treat preparation party, challenge friends and family to makeover a favorite holiday recipe. These days it is rather easy to search the Internet to find a healthy alternative recipe for one of your favorite holiday treats. Have everyone share a sample of their healthy treat along with the full recipe.
How you move.
• Most clubs and fitness professionals will confess that December often is the slowest time of year for new members. Yet joining a club, training with a trainer or joining a new class during the holidays can be a major advantage in your fight against holiday bulge. Seriously consider this option. You may even find that paying for a membership is a major exercise motivator.
• Exercise less. That's not a typo. Who couldn't use a little more free time to get their holiday to-do list completed? Decreasing your weekly exercise time can be beneficial at this time of year, with one caveat. You must increase the intensity. For example, if you run for one hour three times per w eek at a consistent, comfortable pace instead try decreasing to just 20-30 minutes but use an Interval Training technique. This technique requires that you push toward your maximum heart rate for short bursts throughout the entire workout along with periods of slower recovery. You will burn significant calories while also freeing up time for some of the holiday perks.
• Trick your muscles. If you indulge a little during these holiday weeks, you'll want ammunition to help fight against those extra calories. Breaking from your normal strength training routine can help confuse your muscles, which is a good thing. It can make your workouts more efficient. So, change up your strength program with different exercises, different equipment, different weight sizes or all of the above.
Eliminate the chaos that often comes at this time of year.
You do not have to be a seer to know that stress has a direct link to weight issues. Stress, of course, can lead to overeating. Also, stress alone has been linked to weight gain in some studies. How is this related to the holidays? Remember, that stress is your enemy in the weight gain battle so you must keep it in check.
• Many find themselves with more obligations this time of year. Don't let yourself feel overwhelmed. Cross items off your list that just aren't a necessity for your holiday enjoyment. Ask for help from others. For example, get family involved with the cooking, enlist the help of your kids with present wrapping, etc.
• Recharge your batteries. Amid the hectic schedule, make time to relax every day. Give yourself at least 15 minutes to do whatever is most relaxing to you. This could be a warm bath, uninterrupted reading time, meeting a friend for a quick coffee, going for a walk, or whatever lowers your stress.
• Stop trying to achieve perfection. Remind yourself that those celebrity television chefs have an entire staff to help them. Magazine decorating photos are designed by teams of professionals. Most likely you don't have those same groups at your disposal, so make sure your goals are realistic to your abilities and availability.
Don't be one of the statistics this year. Prepare now for the season of indulgence and avoid it sneaking up on you. Right now is the time to put a game plan in place. If you wait until the season is in full swing, it will be increasingly more challenging to make good choices. Being proact ive is always more successful then reacting.
So take time today to create your game plan. It isn't complicated nor is it time-consuming. Take 15 to 30 minutes today to develop your outline. You can break it into three critical parts: what you eat, how you move and chaos reduction.
What you eat.
Just because you choose to be a mindful eater during the holidays doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. While the old saying "everything in moderation" may sound like a broken record, it is absolutely accurate.
• When faced with a buffet, three points can help keep you on track. Choose a small plate which will automatically limit your quantity. Mentally divide your plate into four equal parts: one part should be filled with veggies, another with lean protein (like skinless turkey), a third part with fruits, and the final part with an indulgence (a cookie or brownie, etc). And, don't allow yourself more than one trip through the buffet line.
• The temperatures are chilly, the seasonal music is playing in the background - the perfect setting for a cozy, hot drink. But beware of these comfort drinks. Many coffee drinks are overflowing with empty calories. Even if you choose only a small sized sweet concoction, you most likely will drink the equivalent amount of calories as is found in an entire healthy meal. Alternatively, try a coffee with almond milk, stevia sweetener and a dash of cinnamon.
• Spend 30 minutes one weekend cutting up vegetables for quick on-hand snacks. Choose your favorites from carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, snap peas, etc. Have them washed, cut and placed in airtight containers. Keep some at home in the fridge and bring some to work with you. When the munchies come on, grab a container first before diving for the holiday cookies and snacks.
• Start a new tradition: Healthy holiday recipe exchange. Instead of the traditional cookie exchange or sweet treat preparation party, challenge friends and family to makeover a favorite holiday recipe. These days it is rather easy to search the Internet to find a healthy alternative recipe for one of your favorite holiday treats. Have everyone share a sample of their healthy treat along with the full recipe.
How you move.
• Most clubs and fitness professionals will confess that December often is the slowest time of year for new members. Yet joining a club, training with a trainer or joining a new class during the holidays can be a major advantage in your fight against holiday bulge. Seriously consider this option. You may even find that paying for a membership is a major exercise motivator.
• Exercise less. That's not a typo. Who couldn't use a little more free time to get their holiday to-do list completed? Decreasing your weekly exercise time can be beneficial at this time of year, with one caveat. You must increase the intensity. For example, if you run for one hour three times per w eek at a consistent, comfortable pace instead try decreasing to just 20-30 minutes but use an Interval Training technique. This technique requires that you push toward your maximum heart rate for short bursts throughout the entire workout along with periods of slower recovery. You will burn significant calories while also freeing up time for some of the holiday perks.
• Trick your muscles. If you indulge a little during these holiday weeks, you'll want ammunition to help fight against those extra calories. Breaking from your normal strength training routine can help confuse your muscles, which is a good thing. It can make your workouts more efficient. So, change up your strength program with different exercises, different equipment, different weight sizes or all of the above.
Eliminate the chaos that often comes at this time of year.
You do not have to be a seer to know that stress has a direct link to weight issues. Stress, of course, can lead to overeating. Also, stress alone has been linked to weight gain in some studies. How is this related to the holidays? Remember, that stress is your enemy in the weight gain battle so you must keep it in check.
• Many find themselves with more obligations this time of year. Don't let yourself feel overwhelmed. Cross items off your list that just aren't a necessity for your holiday enjoyment. Ask for help from others. For example, get family involved with the cooking, enlist the help of your kids with present wrapping, etc.
• Recharge your batteries. Amid the hectic schedule, make time to relax every day. Give yourself at least 15 minutes to do whatever is most relaxing to you. This could be a warm bath, uninterrupted reading time, meeting a friend for a quick coffee, going for a walk, or whatever lowers your stress.
• Stop trying to achieve perfection. Remind yourself that those celebrity television chefs have an entire staff to help them. Magazine decorating photos are designed by teams of professionals. Most likely you don't have those same groups at your disposal, so make sure your goals are realistic to your abilities and availability.
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