"Just don't run". How many of you have heard those words from well meaning friends and allies, or perhaps even a health professional trying to help you recover and stay injury free.
For those of us who have the running bug, no words could get deeper under the skin. Running to a runner is like breathing to a human. It's a 'must do', a 'can't live without'. Sometimes I think running is like a drug. It's addictive. It can have negative side effects. It can heal what ails you. Okay, maybe more like a prescriptive medication than an illegal substance.
I've been running now for 18 years. The first run I ever took was on a freezing cold, dark, December 31st, in 1991. I was in Victoria with my very best friend, for New Years' Eve. She had recently lost about 25 pounds and was running regularly. She invited me to come along at 7am for her morning jog. Being 17, overweight, and a bit cocky, I thought "no problem". Yeah Right. I lasted 6 minutes before my lungs turned inside out, my legs turned to rubber and my head was pounding. I slumped back to the hotel. But something happened in that 6 minutes. I was hooked for life.
Since then, I've run everything from 5km quickies, to marathons, though I've never ventured into ultra distance and doubt I ever will. Recently I've been suffering through an overuse/imbalance injury that kept me out of my treads for about 5 months. When I got the clearance to go do a "run" a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't help but appreciate every single step. It got me thinking about why we run. In my humble opinion, this is it:
1. It is simple and cheap and can be done anywhere. Nothing easier when you are travelling than to throw your runners in your bag. I've run in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Various European Countries, Mexico and pretty much every week-end spot I've ever visited
2. It's effective. For anyone looking to lose body fat, trust me, 3-4 runs a week of 10km a piece will be shedding the pounds off your body
3. It's a high. Okay, here's the drug reference again. But it's true! There's this sweet spot during almost every run where you start to feel a little lighter, happier, more mellowed. For most of us, we seek to achieve that moment more often and make it last longer, by running more!
4. It feeds the soul. I actually find myself feeling sorry for people who can't run, or have decided for whatever reason that they hate running. Sure it's tough at the start. But what great achievement doesn't take work? I have had moments of clarity on runs that rival any of Oprah's "Aha's!". I have been brought to tears (seriously) by the beauty of my running surroundings. No matter how good or bad the run is, I always feel a little more humble and a little more part of the human race when I'm done.
So next time a runner friend of yours is complaining to you about their various ailments (the list is endless for ankles, knees and hips), try to stop yourself from saying those 3 words that will burst their bubble and let just a little of their soul slip away. Say anything at all, but just don't say "just don't run!"
PS - Feel like strapping on your shoes now?
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