About Me

My photo
Surrey, Delta and White Rock, British Columbia, Canada
Put simply, I'm a “freak” about fitness! Besides being a BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness instructor, as well as a CANFIT Pro certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, I genuinely live to work out! I own Fitness Freaks personal training and group fitness in beautiful British Columbia. I want to use this blog to share opionins, articles, research, answer questions, encourage debate and muse over the lifelong journey of fitness and well being! Feel free to send me your ideas for articles and information you'd like me to share :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

And, I'm off and running (no pun intended)

I've been thinking about blogging for a long while now. Thinking about how I don't have the time, but I have a lot of opinions and information I'd like to share. Thinking about how to best do it, make it the most interesting, create the most splash.

and then suddenly I realized what I've really been doing is procratinating! How often do I preach to my clients and participants about procrastinating...and here I was, doing it myself.

And so, here I am - blogspot created, mind full of thoughts, and only a few minutes to post. Stay tuned; I promise it will get better!