About Me

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Surrey, Delta and White Rock, British Columbia, Canada
Put simply, I'm a “freak” about fitness! Besides being a BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness instructor, as well as a CANFIT Pro certified Pre and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, I genuinely live to work out! I own Fitness Freaks personal training and group fitness in beautiful British Columbia. I want to use this blog to share opionins, articles, research, answer questions, encourage debate and muse over the lifelong journey of fitness and well being! Feel free to send me your ideas for articles and information you'd like me to share :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

As Tracey Chapman puts it

Tonight we're 'talkin bout a revolution'. Not a resolution. To be honest, I don't really have anything against resolutions, in the same way I don't really have anything against the Slap Chop. Full of promise. Short on delivery.

C'mon now, let's be honest. Everyone knows the joke that New Years Resolutions are really just a 'to do' list for the first week or month of the year. But there MUST be a reason that we keep coming back year after year and saying "this is it". "this is my TIME!" "This year I will RESOLVE!"

It's because inherently we want to improve our lives. We want to live our very best lives and show the world that we can change.

Well, as you already know, I belive that if you want to change your life, first you have to change your mind. So, let's get into your brain a little bit. I'd like to change how you think about this whole "New Year's @#$*#" (I am hereafter deeming the word resolution a curse)

Yes, I know it's semantics, but I think it's important.

Look at the word: RESOLUTION "a resolve or determination." "To make a firm resolution to do something. "

Now look at the stem of the word (resolute) " admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering".

Blah blah blah. The entire word is about being inflexible and about deciding upon a course of action. There is nothing about the word resolution that implies anything is ACTUALLY HAPPENING! Besides, what is the most common reason people stray from their resolutions? LIFE! We need to be flexible and work within our LIVES to achieve our dreams.

Thanks for bearing with me so far on this.

So, back to Tracey Chapman. Let's talk 'bout a REVOLUTION. Here's why I love the word.

Revolution: (from the Latin word 'revolutio': to turn around) is a fundamental change in power that takes place in a relatively short period of time.

HOW AMAZING IS THAT! How about the CHANGE in power as in the POWER in your life shifting to your Control!

And even better.....how about the meat of that word.
EVOLUTION/EVOLVE: " a process by which something passes by degrees to a different stage, especially a more advanced or mature stage."

Which person do you want to be? The person who "resolves" (aka, makes a determined plan) or "Evolves" (using a process to pass to a more advanced stage).

Personally I think the answer is obvious.

So come start a REVOLUTION with me and make fundamental changes in your POWER in a relatively short period of time.

It's much more honest and realistic. It is a process. A series of events/stages that need to happen. (yes, you actually do have to do the work). It is a permanent change.

Begin your Revolution by choosing One (yes, just one) thing you want to improve upon in your life. Of course I am really referring to a health or fitness goal here. I am after all a personal trainer.
But we can learn a lot from another area that people tend to focus on in the New Year. The fundamental principle of debt reduction always tells us to start with the highest interest debt and chip away at it until it's gone. Then move on to the next biggest interest bearing burden, and so on and so forth.

It's the same for your health. I'll let you in on a little secret. By listing 8 things you want to change in 2011 with your health and fitness, you actually reduce the likelihood that you will achieve any of them. The key to success is setting a clear concise goal that supports your REVOLUTION of changing your life!

So choose it.

Flush it out (be specific and time constrained)

Break it down and make it manageable.

Don't be afraid to ask for help (maybe this is the year you finally hire a personal trainer to help you on your way). Don't be afraid to say it out loud. Don't let your ego get in the way. And for the love of effectiveness, do not be so HARD on yourself! Plan ahead for the obstacles and curve balls you already KNOW will come your way.
That way, when they do show up, you can smile, acknowledge them, and say with a smug look on your face "oh, I was expecting you to show up...and I already know what I'm going to do" and with a flick of your finger, you can flick that obstacle off like a pesky bug. Or at the very least, you can laugh it off and pick yourself back up!

Lastly, put an image in your mind (or better yet, somewhere you can see it) of what success looks like. You can draw it, use clipart, a photograph, a word or image. Anything that inspires you on the dark rainy days of February.

Then guess what? When you Actually Achieve it (and I believe you will), you simply move on to the next one. You didn't actually have to set out the plan for #2 back on Janaury 1st, and it will still be there waiting for you when you are ready for it.

So, to put my money where my mouth is, I'm going to set you up a little example using my own New Year's Revolution right here.

The number one way I want to EVOLVE in 2011 (fitness and health wise) is to prevent the injuries that continually plague me year after year so I can race through this summer without dragging a team of physiotherapists, doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists and Pharmaceuticals behind me.

I will take back the POWER by applying Balance to my exercise plan. I will continue to be active every day, but I will now incorporate Yoga into my schedule 2 days per week in place of other, higher impact activities that put me at risk of injury and do not help me MOVE TO A MORE ADVANCED level within my life. I will practice my strengthening exercises and use periodization to manage my training schedule.

I may overdo it. I may still get hurt. And if that happens, I"ll immediately back off my training, let go of my ego and I will NOT race through pain. I will do my rehab exercises diligently, even if it means cutting into my blogging time (ha ha ha).

I will measure my success pretty easily. I will be able to compete in 2-3 foot races and 1-2 triathlons in the summer of 2011 injury free.

I am crossing the finish lines over and over with a smile on my face and without a limp in my step.

Be Clear. Be Powerful in your commitment and Strong in your Conviction. Evolve. Don't Resolve.

Now, talk to me 'bout your REVOLUTION!!!! I'd love to hear your comments :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas = Love

What did you think of when you read that title? I'm sure for many of you, it was warm fuzzy feelings, carols, family, children, presents, candy, eggnog, glass of wine, piece of nanaimo bar, feeling kinda funny, now I'm bloated, drifting off to sleep, waking with a slight hangover, haven't worked out for 5 days so what's another 5....ooops, sorry, there goes the Christmas = Love Mantra!

Well today Fitness Freaks is here to talk about a different type of Christmas = Love. Insert word "tough". That's right, Tough love. I'm sure that comes as no surprise to many of the Fitness Freaks Blog followers. After all, I've been told at least a hundred times "how can someone with such a sweet voice and bright smile be so tough!" :)

Here's the deal folks. Now is not the time for congratulating yourself on making it to December 15th "not too badly" in terms of the party circuit. You may have passed the piggies in the blanket once or twice already this month, but the real test begins now. The next 16 days are go time for Christmas Chameleons (otherwise known as your ever present shrunken fat cells ready and waiting to explode into happy jumping jacks at the first succulent bite of fudge).

Yes I've sent out helpful tips in past years on how to survive a holiday party (eat a healthy meal in advance, drink lots of water, stand far away from the food table, pick one thing in advance to indulge on, workout that day etc etc and so on.) But at the end of the day, the average Canadian will actually only gain just under 1 lb over the holidays. (Yanovski et al. 2000). Does that suprise you?
So why does everyone feel a little like the Red Suited Jolly Guy come New Year's Day? It's not necessarily about how much you eat, but what it is. Ask yourself how fabulous you feel after a day of hitting all your Canada Food Guide Servings (Psss. If you don't even know what your personal guidelines are, head to Canada food guide NOW!). Now replace that all with sugar and alcohol. Even for a few days or a couple of weeks. The lethargy is obvious. The Guilt is often crushing. And the effect on the psyche is ridiculous. Those little x-mas chameleons start messing with your head and before you know it, you have let your whole year slide out with a whimper instead of a bang. 21 hard fighting days to break a habit. just one day to make one if icing is involved.

So before you take your next "I'm worth it" bite of fudge. Try an "Dammit, I AM worth it" bite of something better for you. After all, isn't that really the question. Aren't you worth it? Aren't you worth the effort? Don't you deserve to feel fabulous on January 1st and like you didn't skip a beat when you return to Bootcamp or Yoga or Pilates or running on the 3rd, or 10th or 20th of Janaury? Does Christmas really = Love if you end up hating yourself and feeling like
you are back at square one fitness and energy wise on New Year's Day.

Dear readers, I challenge you. Put down the food and pick up your runners. Go for a walk and get a hot cup of tea. Better yet, go somewhere new and try snowshoeing, hiking or cross country skiing. Sure, go crazy on the 25th, and maybe the 26th. But let that, and your company x-mas party be IT! Make a stand against the epidemic!

No excuses. No Resolutions.




And as far as some Christmas Love. Well, I think you're worth it. And I'm pretty sure you'd like to be the one jumping for joy while everyone else is puking from the effort next month.

Happy Holidays!

PS - stay tuned for my New Year's REVOLUTION blog!